Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Baby Craddle and a variety of other goodies.

I have not decided if I should sell this little beauty or not. I found this treasure a little over a year ago and I finally got around to painting it. Maybe oneday I will have my own little one to put in here. So maybe I should hang on to it... Then I have my new little addition to my laundry room. Thanks to Target, the dollar store and the Pottery Barn I have these fun little clothes pins. Both old and new. I also have painted my new candlesticks to match my exisiting ones. I also found my new little filing organizer at the deseret boutique. With a little sanding and some paint I have a great new accessory to my desk. I also found a new little cabinet to house all of my bathroom necessities. I must say that I believe that the cabinet was the best find yet.


  1. Nice work on the furniture. Are you selling or keeping?

  2. What a great way to showcase your treasures! I love your style. Keep up the blogging and the good work!

  3. ah, this is awesome! yes, KEEP the cradle. do not let that go.

  4. awesome work. totally keep the cradle!!!
